Apparently, there IS such thing as time travel! In fact if i move forward right now, im traveling SLOWER through time! According to Einstein that is. He stated in his theory of Special Relativity that we are constantly moving through Time at the Speed of Light. And NOTHING in this universe can go faster than Light( I will now refer to Speed of Light as Speed C). Therefore if I am in a car going 10miles per hour, i am moving Speed C through time PLUS 10miles per hour through space. Therefore i am moving 10miles per hour FASTER than light. Which is impossible. So.. to compensate i must take away 10miles/per hour AWAY from my speed through light. So for me i am aging slower than everyone else. That is why when astronauts go out to space, they return and they are younger than everybody else!
So if i had a twin, and i went to the nearest star and back at 90% the speed of light(a journey of about 4 years) and my twin stayed on earth... i would get there, take some pictures, eat my lunch and come back, i would've only seemed maybe a few minutes had passed for me, but on earth.. 8 YEARS HAVE PASSED! AND MY TWIN WOULD BE 8 YEARS OLDER THAN ME!
Don't believe me? This has been proven! Clocks in satellites orbiting earth have to be adjusted every morning because they are always slow! In fact if one day scientist managed to find a way to move at the speed of light, TIME WOULD STAND STILL AND WE WOULD NEVER AGE.
Confusing huh? Well... search it up! Go on wikipedia or something search "Einsteins Special Relativity"
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